What? You want to learn how to be a podcaster too? In this Thing we will be looking at the "how" of podcasting… trying to keep it as simple as this web 2.0 primer allows. There are myriad resources available for people "serious" about podcasting.
- Poducate me
- Yahoo: Publish a podcast
- Odeo’s Studio – online recording studio.
- Beginner's guide to Podcasts & Creating Podcasts
- How to podcast tutorial
- The Beginner's Guide to Podcast Creation (from iLounge)
If you want to go about it the "real" way, you'll need to equip yourself with some things. Mostly, you'll need a microphone and the freeware program Audacity (for sound recording). You will ultimately need those things, but peruse the aforementioned resources to learn more first.
We are just trying things out with these 23 things… getting that "taste" for the web 2.0 tools, so we'll keep it easy. (Although podcasting itself isn't difficult either.) So, here are some resources for recording sound online (or through your cell phone). Click through them to see which one calls out to you, and then prepare for some sound-magic!
Discovery Resources
Discovery Exercise
- Create an account (if needed) at the site that called your name.
- Add an audio post about your experience to your blog.
- You did it! You created a sound file that could be the beginning of a podcasting paradigm for you! What did you think? Was it easy? Was it hard? Could your students do it? For what purpose? Where do you want to go from here?
- Did you notice that you could have used your Jott account to create saved audio as well? I'm glad that you tried new things, though!
Challenge (optional)
- Check out the poducateme guide; reading specifically the second paragraph about the studies done at Duke University about the use of podcasts in classrooms.
- Keep up with your audio goodness. Make it a "real" podcast by continuing it on a regular basis. Maybe add it as a permanent guest on your blog!
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